Thursday, February 11, 2010

Not So Much the Hello Deli, as the HUG DELI

 Swap roast beef, swiss cheese, and potato chips for hugs, kisses, and a side order of compliments, and you've got MIKEY'S HUG DELI.  I stumbled upon it while out for a power walk on the Santa Monica Strand with a friend and in desperate need of a boost to fight off an oncoming attack of the low blood sugar gremlins that was threatening to take me into crankyville as it so often does.  Instead of the orange juice I craved, my expectations were met with a joker-sized smile from a dark haired stranger behind the counter and the realization that this hot dog stand dispensed emotional validation rather than actual physical food as the term deli might suggest (to 100% of the population).   

It works like this:
You and someone you love play the role of deli counter clerk and customer.  The customer tells the clerk exactly what he or she would like and it is the clerk's job to deliver.

You:  How can I help you?
Friend:  I would like a pat on the back.
You:  Comin' right up!
Friend:  And I want a side of emotional security, please.
You:  What's that now?
Friend:  A side of emotional security.
You:  Can you be more specific?
Friend:  You should know what that means.
You:  Not really...  (Give friend a hug)
Friend:  That's not what I meant.
You:  Okay.  You're a really great friend.
Friend:  Getting closer.
You:  This isn't PASSWORD.
Friend:  Try!
You:  I'll always have your back?
Friend:  Thank you very much.

Innovative idea.  Of course, it could only work in LA...  

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