Monday, January 4, 2010

Favorite Cards Received From My Mom Back East in 2009

As it is the end of the year and more poignantly the decade, I've been going through stacks of old letters, cards, etc that various loved ones have sent to me since moving to Los Angeles.  Although they are all colorful in their own distinct way, the choice cards were penned, not surprisingly, by my mother.  I thought I would share two of her finest with you...

[on her monogrammed fuchsia stationary, upon learning that I was considering a solo trip to Argentina]
Hi Kristin,
Do not go to So. America- drug cartels are there kidnapping Americans (beheading them too!)- especially alone- who would know you were in trouble?  Please-
Love Ya!

Dear Kristin,
Can't believe it's been 30 years since that wonderful day you were born!  I remember it like it was yesterday.  You are everything we dreamed you would be and more.  We are so lucky to have you in our lives.  Thanks for all that you are- Have a wonderful birthday.  You deserve the best.
Love Always,
P.S. The ring is fake.

Clearly the irony is lost on her in that last one...

Happy 2010 all!  Keep them comin' Mom!

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